Physical Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Allium sativum L. Cultivated with Different Concentrations of QuitoMax®

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Dariellys Martínez-Balmori
Liane Portuondo-Farías
Annarellis Álvarez-Pinedo
Reinier Méndez-Serpa
Saturnina Mesa-Rebato
Iván Castro-Lizazo
Humberto Izquierdo-Oviedo


Biostimulants are used in order to increase the growth, development, yields and quality of crops. The beneficial effect of QuitoMax®, a biostimulant of national production on productive indicators in different crops has been verified, although research on the quality of the agricultural product obtained is limited. In this way, the goal of this work was to evaluate quality parameters of garlic (Allium sativum L.) obtained from two varieties of the Criollo clone: 'Criollo-9'and 'Criollo-Víctor' treated with concentrations of QuitoMax®. Bulbs of both varieties used were obtained from cloves embedded in QuitoMax® concentrations of 1, 5 and 10 mg L-1 before manual planting in flower beds. Fifty days after planting (dap) a foliar application was made with these same doses, maintaining a group of control plants for a total of four treatments per clone. Indicators of external and internal quality were determined, as well as physicochemical properties, protein and carbohydrate content in the garlic extract. The use of QuitoMax® did not significantly change most of the indicators evaluated. The changes found in a few indicators were in the sense of increasing quality and dependent on the variety and concentration of the biostimulant. The use of QuitoMax® in the garlic production system is promising for the benefit of the quality of the agricultural products.

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Martínez-Balmori, D., Portuondo-Farías, L., Álvarez-Pinedo, A., Méndez-Serpa, R., Mesa-Rebato, S., Castro-Lizazo, I., & Izquierdo-Oviedo, H. (2021). Physical Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Allium sativum L. Cultivated with Different Concentrations of QuitoMax®. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(1). Obtido de
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