Physical-Mechanical Properties of bean (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) variety BAT 304

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Arlenes Sena-Pérez
Annia García-Pereira


Much of Agriculture focuses its efforts on research, technological development and providing elements to increase production and productivity. That is why the study of the physical-mechanical properties is of great importance to improve the design and construction of equipment and structures for the handling, collection, transport, cleaning, classification and agro-industrial processing, as well as their use as data for entry to the theoretical model that bases the design and operation parameters of the machines. The work was carried out in the Quality Laboratory of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Agrarian University of Havana, which had the objective of determining the physical-mechanical properties of black bean grains (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) var. BAT 304 which were obtained from ¨El Guayabal¨ Farm, belonging to the Agrarian University of Havana, in full harvest maturity. The following values were obtained: mass,19.99 g; bulk density, 1.35 g/cm³; sphericity, 0.92; geometric diameter, 2.75 mm; arithmetic diameter, 7.26 mm; length, 9.93mm; width, 6.62mm; thickness, 4.86mm; breaking force, 10.21 kgf and firmness 19.83 kgf. The coefficient of friction on a steel surface reached an average value of 18.4 and the angle of free fall was 26.6°.

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How to Cite
Sena-Pérez, A., & García-Pereira, A. (2023). Physical-Mechanical Properties of bean (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) variety BAT 304. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(4), Retrieved from
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