Energy Sustainability Based on the Implementation of Renewable Energies in Pig Farms: Case Granja “El Guayabal”

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Osney Gerardo Pérez-Acosta
Yanoy Morejón
Madeleidy Martínez-Pérez
Saray Díaz-Barrios
Jesús Suárez Hernández


The present investigation was carried out with the objective of establishing the foundations to determine energy sustainability based on the implementation of Renewable Energy Sources (FRE) in the pig center of "El Guayabal" farm. Aspects such as characteristics of the productive scenario, meteorological data of the place, energy demand and possible technological applications based on the use of the FRE were considered, from which the design of a hybrid system with the implementation of these technologies was elaborated. In it, the management of biomass (biogas), solar thermal energy (solar heaters) and solar photovoltaic (photovoltaic panels) was worked on. It was determined that with the electrical energy produced by using biogas, the demand for electricity is covered by 64.84%. The rest of the electricity demand can be covered with the use of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal energy (20.96 and 14.20%, respectively). When carrying out the analysis of the environmental impact, it was evident that the proposed energy system prevents the emission of 9.41 Teq of CO2/year, 7.95 m3/day of methane into the atmosphere, and the consumption of 4.11 Teq of oil/year. It is also possible to produce 0.13 m3/day of biofertilizers. It is concluded that the proposal constitutes an alternative to minimize damages to the environment, save conventional energy, reduce costs for electricity and obtain biofertilizers that can be marketed and used in different crops; it also improves the conventional energy scheme taking advantage of the FRE.

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How to Cite
Pérez-Acosta, O. G., Morejón, Y., Martínez-Pérez, M., Díaz-Barrios, S., & Suárez Hernández, J. (2023). Energy Sustainability Based on the Implementation of Renewable Energies in Pig Farms: Case Granja “El Guayabal” . Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(3), Retrieved from
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