Statistical-Mathematical Models and Smart Agriculture tools, their application in the description and management of Agricultural Processes

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Lucía Fernández Chuairey
Elein Terry Alfonso
Dunia Pineda Medina
Neyli Chávez Millares
María Victoria Gómez Águila
Nelson Ulises Lim Chamg


The professionals of Basic Sciences and Computer Science of the Scientific Teaching Complex (UNAH-CENSA-INCA-ICA), in their role of research, training and social leadership, assume the development of Agricultural research associated with Statistical-Mathematical Modeling, Process Simulation and the use of Smart Agriculture tools, aimed at making optimal decisions. The objective of this work is to show the results achieved by the Multidisciplinary group in these topics, as well as the research and training strategies of the Master in Biomathematics (Accredited Program of Excellence). Background and work developed for more than forty years is shown in Statistical Methodologies and software specialized in studies of animal and plant growth processes, pest behavior, lactation curves, genetic improvement, as well as in the integration of different sources. of data and methods for carrying out intelligent queries in a Geographic Information System, among others. Current research challenges are addressed, associated with the theoretical selection of neural networks as an artificial intelligence method to be used to predict the incidence of pests in different crops; the use of Smart Agriculture tools applied to livestock at the University-Farm-Guayabal and DSSAT Crop Simulation Models (corn), among other topics anchored to a Project of the National Program of Basic and Biological Sciences (PNCB 2024-2026) . It is concluded that multidisciplinary work, from the management of Basic and Computer Sciences, allows qualitative leaps and addresses the challenges and development of society.

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How to Cite
Fernández Chuairey, L., Terry Alfonso, E., Pineda Medina, D., Chávez Millares, N., Gómez Águila, M. V., & Lim Chamg, N. U. (2024). Statistical-Mathematical Models and Smart Agriculture tools, their application in the description and management of Agricultural Processes. Revista Ciencia Universitaria, 22, Retrieved from
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