¨“Use of Mathematical Models and Smart Agriculture, in Agricultural Processes. UNAH-Farm-Guayabal Integration

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Lucía Fernández Chuairey
María Victoria Gómez Águila
María Elena Ruiz Perez
Nelson Lim Chamg
José Antonio Pino Roque


Given the current challenges faced by the Cuban agricultural sector, which requires the use of knowledge, science and technology for its development and sustainability, the UNAH has the project "Development of the technological-scientific-teaching-productive scenario of the Cuban agriculture at the Guayabal University Farm, focused on University-business integration and aimed at achieving research spaces, sustainable production and obtaining a greater amount of healthy food with benefits for students, the scientific community and their environment. The objective of this work is to show the research strategies, actions, results and perspectives achieved in the area of ​​Basic Sciences and Computer Science, anchored to this General project. In a first stage, the integration of the group with specialists in the area was achieved, who vertically act as: advisory group for the analysis, processing and evaluation of different indicators, as well as in the modeling of processes (growth of broiler hens), experimental designs (in pigs), among others. At the same time, the incorporation of undergraduate students (Agricultural Technical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) and postgraduate development of three Master's theses in Biomathematics (accredited as excellent) was achieved, associated with the conception of geographic information systems and decision-making systems. with friendly environments that allow analysis to search for optimal solutions. Challenges and perspectives are presented. It is concluded that University-Farm integration constitutes a path of strengthening and educational-economic-social-productive development and allows quantitative leaps that address the country's challenges.

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How to Cite
Fernández Chuairey, L., Gómez Águila, M. V., Ruiz Perez, M. E., Lim Chamg, N., & Pino Roque, J. A. (2023). ¨“Use of Mathematical Models and Smart Agriculture, in Agricultural Processes. UNAH-Farm-Guayabal Integration . Revista Ciencia Universitaria, 21, https://cu-id.com/cu/v21e05. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/cu/article/view/1948
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