BE 1.2: recurso digital para la asignatura bioestadística en la carrera de medicina veterinaria

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José Antonio Pino Roque
Mayra Arteaga Barrueta
Lucía Fernández Chuairey
Nelson Ulises Lim Chang
Juan del Valle Moreno
Shakira García Hernández


The Biostatistics for the career of Veterinary Medicine is one of the subjects identified in the UNAH, as of more motivation (present and not present modality). The necessity to have a digital resource that systematizes the learning that contributes from an efficient way to favor the independent activity and that it offers possibility of integration of information, they are the bases on those that are sustained the investigation. It is objective to design a tool that facilitates the use and the handling of the information of the Biostatistics under the current conditions. With this material for the teaching the spectrum opens up for a number bigger than alternative as for giving solution to the problem of the preparation of the students to assume a process of teach-learning efficient. BE 1.2 it contains video, bibliographies, complementary materials, problems and databases for works extra classes and study guides for the topics. The professors and students have they express full satisfaction with the obtained product.

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How to Cite
Pino Roque, J. A., Arteaga Barrueta, M., Fernández Chuairey, L., Lim Chang, N. U., del Valle Moreno, J., & García Hernández, S. (2023). BE 1.2: recurso digital para la asignatura bioestadística en la carrera de medicina veterinaria. Anuario Ciencia En La UNAH, 21. Retrieved from


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