Strategy to improve the positioning of the Agrarian University of Havana in the World Ranking

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Yanoy Morejón Mesa
Zulimary Rodriguez Picornell
Greter Vallejera Romero


Universities, since their emergence, have been a favorable and privileged environment for the production of knowledge and strengthening relationships between human beings, however, their social mission would be incomplete today if they do not manage to train professionals with a high degree of participation in the problems of society and committed to scientific research and social development that the country needs at this time. The positioning of this type of institutions at a global and national level constitutes an element to consider from the point of view of professional and academic training, as well as relations with national and international entities; The fundamental objective being to achieve the visibility and prestige of universities, based on social relevance, the internationalization of strategic processes, high professional competence and capabilities for research, development and innovation. In this research, a strategy was designed aimed at improving the positioning of the Agrarian University of Havana in the World University Ranking. To fulfill this objective, a set of methods and techniques were applied, which facilitated the diagnosis of the current situation and the establishment of the actions to be developed. The diagnosis made it possible to identify the weaknesses and potential that the University presents to improve its positioning in the World University Ranking, in the short and medium term.

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How to Cite
Morejón Mesa, Y., Rodriguez Picornell, Z., & Vallejera Romero, G. (2024). Strategy to improve the positioning of the Agrarian University of Havana in the World Ranking. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 11, Retrieved from
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