This journal is aimed at professionals, technicians and researchers linked to irrigation and drainage, agricultural mechanization, and other areas for purposes. Its mission is to publish original and unpublished papers in Spanish and English that are not under the evaluation process of any other journal, on topics related to irrigation and drainage, agricultural mechanization, energy in agriculture, and related environmental aspects. These can be original articles, technical notes, reviews and points of view, letters to the editor, summaries of doctoral theses, master's degrees, specialties and technical discussions about a published article.

These articles will deal with the following publication topics:

  • Irrigation and drainage techniques and technologies.
  • Technical means and technologies of agricultural mechanization.
  • Water-soil-plant-atmosphere relationship.
  • Drainage and recovery of saline soils
  • Water quality for irrigation.
  • Testing and evaluation of agricultural engineering machines and systems.
  • Operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems.
  • Organization and exploitation of agricultural machinery.
  • Water supply to agricultural and livestock systems.
  • Use of conventional and alternative energies.
  • Use and saving of energy resources in agriculture.
  • Feasibility and environmental impact studies of agricultural technologies
  • Automation and modeling of agricultural processes and technologies.
  • Geoinformatics applications and precision agriculture.
  • Gender problems and rural development.
  • Extension and transfer of agricultural technologies.
  • Animal traction.
  • Mini-industries and agricultural craft workshops.
  • Transportation and handling in agriculture.
  • Technical maintenance and repairs.
  • Quality management in agricultural engineering.