Design and construction of a modular water purification system for Ciego de Ávila

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Roberto Jorge-Sánchez
Lázaro Antonio Daquinta-Gradaille
Nancy García-Álvarez
Manuel Fernández-Sánchez


The design and construction of a modulated system for water purification aimed at human consumption and supported by various technologies for water treatment is the objective of this research. Four modules compose the system: magnetic treatment; softening and filtering in activated coal; sterilization with ultraviolet lamp and ozone; and a final filtering with microfilters and inverse osmosis. As a result of this process, more pure healthy water, free from chlorine and microorganisms is obtained. Purified water has the minimal iron, lead, nitrates, sulphates, and calcium and magnesium salts, which are excessive in Ciego de Ávila waters. The researches done demonstrate that the consumption of purified water avoids infectious diseases caused by microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites), improves the renal system functioning and digestion because it reduces kidney gallstones and heartburn, creates a relaxing effect and increases the blood circulation, with the consequent improving in life quality among the population.

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How to Cite
Jorge-Sánchez, R., Daquinta-Gradaille, L. A., García-Álvarez, N., & Fernández-Sánchez, M. (2018). Design and construction of a modular water purification system for Ciego de Ávila. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(3), 53–59. Retrieved from
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