Calibration of electromagnetic probes for irrigation studies in different agricultural zones

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Teresa López-Seijas
Alfredo Ustariz
Enrique Cisnero-Zayas
Amaury Rodríguez-González
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Felicita González-Robaina


The objective of this wok was to obtain the specific calibration curves for different electromagnetic probes to evaluate soil mois- ture for its application in irrigation studies in different agricultural zones of Western Cuba. It was done evaluations in two zones (Artemisa and Pinar del Rio provinces) and in two sites (farms) in each zone, with different soil types: Ferralítico Rojo compactado (Zone 1), Gley Ferralítico and Ferralítico Cuarcítico Amarillo lixiviado (Zone 2). The calibrated probes include: ML2x ThetaProbe for soil surface measures and PR2 probe for soil profile, both with the HH2 measurer (Delta T Devices Ltd. equipment) and TDR 300 probe (Spectrum Technologies, Inc. equip- ment). The calibration was done using simultaneous soil moisture measurements with probes and taking soil samples for the determination    of soil moisture by gravimetric method. Calibration curves were defined by a regression analysis. The obtained specific calibration curves for the three types of evaluated soil moisture probes were adjusted to a lineal equation with determination coefficients more than 0.8 and their parameters (slope and intercept) change with textural and structural soils characteristics. The comparative analysis with the internal probe calibration curves shows that not using specific calibration curves imply an underestimation of soil moisture between 2 % to 30 % for evalu- ated conditions and errors in water depth calculations in a range of 4 mm to 60 mm.

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How to Cite
López-Seijas, T., Ustariz, A., Cisnero-Zayas, E., Rodríguez-González, A., Herrera-Puebla, J., & González-Robaina, F. (2018). Calibration of electromagnetic probes for irrigation studies in different agricultural zones. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(3), 31–39. Retrieved from
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