Water regime in a Ferrasol sown with corn under principles of conservation agriculture

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Amaury Rodríguez-González
Teresa López Seijas
José A. Martínez Cañizares
Julián Herrera
Oneyda Hernández Lara


The objective of this work is to do a first evaluation of the effect on water regime of corn sowed under principles of conservation agriculture (AC) in a Ferrasol of the south of Havana. The study was done in areas of the Experimental Station of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering Research, located at Pulido, Alquizar municipality, Artemisa province. It was established an experimental area under AC of 1.5 ha for direct seeding of corn in association with canavalia bean and other area of 0.5 ha where was sown corn under conventional farming. It was evaluated soil’s physical properties as texture, bulk density, organic matter content and water-tension curves. The dynamics of water was registered with an electromagnetic probe type TDR and was quantified the hydric balance to the depth of 30 cm by mass balance method. The results show that this first cycle of corn-canavalia association under AC principles, produces a decrease of 19 % in soil’s bulk density at 30 cm depth and a decrease of soil’s surface evaporation that allow reduce the values of dayfly evapotranspiration in the state of major developing of the crop and contributes to a potential diminution of irrigation.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-González, A., López Seijas, T., Martínez Cañizares, J. A., Herrera, J., & Hernández Lara, O. (2018). Water regime in a Ferrasol sown with corn under principles of conservation agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(3), 3–11. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/967
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