Update of agroproductive grouping of soils planted with sugarcane at the western-center region of Cuba

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Yudith Viñas-Quintero
Ledya Benítez-Puig


With the objective to update the grouping of the soils planted with sugarcane at the sugar mill “30 de Noviembre” of the Artemisa province, it was used the Agroproductive Soil Potentials study, taking into consideration the update of land evaluation carried out in 2001 by the INICA, adjusted to the current cartography of the sugar mill and the soil limiting factors. The information of the soil was taken from the soil profiles associated to the soil map at 1:25000 scale. The cartographic base was processed with the Geographic Information System Mapinfo 8.0 in order to obtain a great data variability. The information was processed with help of the program Statistica version 8.0. The use of decision trees permitted to discriminate the groups of soils in the sugar mill, corroborating the validity of this actualization.

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How to Cite
Viñas-Quintero, Y., & Benítez-Puig, L. (2018). Update of agroproductive grouping of soils planted with sugarcane at the western-center region of Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(2), 48–54. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/937
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