Influence of Two Tillage Systems About the Physical Properties of a Red Ferralitic Soil

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José Antonio Martínez-Cañizares
Amaury Rodríguez-González
Mayra Wong-Barreiro


The use of conservationist technologies is an alternative to mitigate the problems related to the degradation of soils, caused by the intensive use of agricultural machinery. Based on this principle, in the present work an investigation of two systems of soil tillage (traditional and conservationist) is carried out in order to determine the influence of these on some physical properties of soils. The research was carried out in a compacted red ferralitic soil from the experimental area of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering located in the Alquizar municipality in bean, corn and sweet potato crops. An experimental design was used in a simple plot for the evaluation of the variables apparent density, gravimetric humidity and resistance to penetration in the studied crops. As a result, it was obtained that in traditional and conservation tillage systems the apparent density, at the beginning and end of the research period, decreased by 0.33 and 29%, the resistance to penetration increased by 9.67 kg / cm2 with respect to the initial value obtained, while in conservation tillage the decrease was 13.26 kg / cm2. All these results demonstrate the favorable effect of conservation tillage on the soil compared to traditional tillage technology.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Cañizares, J. A., Rodríguez-González, A., & Wong-Barreiro, M. (2018). Influence of Two Tillage Systems About the Physical Properties of a Red Ferralitic Soil. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(1), 41–46. Retrieved from
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