Rice production in front of climate variations “Los Palacios” location

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Noraida de Jesús Pérez-León
Guillermo Díaz-López
Santiago Castell
Rodolfo Castro-Álvarez
Alexander Miranda-Caballero


The objective of this work was to develop adaptation measures rice production in the locality “Los Palacios”, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba, to reduce their vulnerability to climate variations, during the first year of implementation, work was done on the technical team, intervention areas selection and a diagnosis was made that offered the main causes of the problem, influences of the manifestations of climate change, in turn also appreciated other important factors such as organizational problems and technological indiscipline, practices agricultural and non-conservationists, and use of irrigation and drainage systems with low efficiency, as well as mismanagement of the same. The technological actions proposed to reduce identified vulnerabilities include the production of rice seed and other grains adapted to climate variations, diversification of production from crop rotation and polyculture, promotion of production and application of fertilizers greens, ecological products and technologies for the stimulation of plant growth and pest control, resizing of fields, rectification and maintenance of irrigation and drainage channels, proper implementation of smoothing and leveling, soil preparation, planting, fertilization, fumigation, harvesting, and transportation, favoring the change towards terrestrial application technologies.

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How to Cite
Pérez-León, N. de J., Díaz-López, G., Castell, S., Castro-Álvarez, R., & Miranda-Caballero, A. (2018). Rice production in front of climate variations “Los Palacios” location. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(1), 26–32. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/848
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