Actualization of available tools for soil hydric balance precision in field experimental works

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Teresa López Seijas


This work presents a consolidation and actualization of previous works that defned the methodological aspects and tools for precision of hydric balances and crop evapotranspiration quantifcation in agricultural systems in Cuban conditions. The actualized methodology for hydric balance quantifcation was defned with tree fundamental phases: I. Hydrodynamic characterization of soil profle; II. Register of variations of soil water content and soil water potential during the crop cycle and III. Quantifcation of hydric balances by mass balance method. There were detailed the available data and tools for this determinations in Cuban conditions. It was done a comparative analysis of evapotranspiration quantifed by mass balance and simplifed traditional hydric balance, for different conditions of crop, soil and water management. The results show that do not take into account the redistribution or drainage losses in the water outputs of hydric balances can do an overestimation or sub estimation of crop evapotranspiration, with values between 15% and 55%, from no irrigation to high frequency irrigation management. It was analyzed too the recent works due for other researches in Cuba, using previous information about crop evapotranspiration by simplifed balances. This analysis shows some overestimation or sub estimation of crop evapotranspiration or crop coeffcient compared with results at international level.

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How to Cite
López Seijas, T. (2018). Actualization of available tools for soil hydric balance precision in field experimental works. Ingeniería Agrícola, 6(3), 18–25. Retrieved from
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