Variation of the water table and the influence of the tides in the Polvoxal Ranch, Campeche, Mexico

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José Rodolfo Namuche-Vargas
Erickdel Castillo-Solis
Marcos Zacarías-Flores


The company AGROFORESTAL UUMBAL CHIAPAS, SAPI DE CV (UUMBAL) asked the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA) to carry out an investigation on the variation of the water table and the influence of the tides in the Polvoxal Ranch, located in the State of Campeche, Mexico. For this research study, the following actions were carried out: i) eleven observation wells and three wells (X, Y, Z) were installed and georeferenced, the depth of the water table was measured daily, Which show that the water table reaches the soil surface at critical times (Hurricane Boris, June 7, 2014), but descends rapidly when it stops raining; The isohypsas planes indicate that the direction of the flow is towards the Candelaria river. The most critical part is close to the mangroves of the Natural Protected Area and not in the area where it will be implanted, that with a good drainage would not have any problem, ii) with respect to the tides, these were measured daily at 06: 00 and 18:00 hours, and when related to the water table, show that there is no marine intrusion, iii) the oil palm can accept a maximum of 72 hours with high humidity, if it persists it is necessary to build both main and Parcel. As for the main surface drainage will consist in part give him maintenance of the streams that are in the project area and construct interceptor drains.

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How to Cite
Namuche-Vargas, J. R., Castillo-Solis, E., & Zacarías-Flores, M. (2017). Variation of the water table and the influence of the tides in the Polvoxal Ranch, Campeche, Mexico. Ingeniería Agrícola, 7(4), 57–64. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

José Rodolfo Namuche-Vargas, Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua

Ing., Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua


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