State of the Chemical Fertility of the Red Ferralitics Soils in the Farm Los Pinos

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Clara M. John-Louis
Antonio Vantour-Causse
Armando Antonio Tamayo-Sierra


The Inadequate management of the Granja Los Pinos contributed to the increase in the unfavorable state of the chemical fertility of the soils associated with irrigation systems, generating instability processes in the volumes of agricultural production, as well as in the environment. To achieve a solution to this problem, a set of field and laboratory investigations were carried out to determine the values of pH, exchange complex, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The results showed that the soils of irrigation systems of this farm present a tendency to raise the pH to the basic zone, in particular in the Zapote irrigation system, in the exchange complex, calcium and magnesium predominate, cations that must Influence the pH values since the sodium tenors are not high and the Ca / Mg ratios are adequate. The values of organic matter oscillate from medium to low, while those of total nitrogen do so in the medium, low and very low ranges with C / N ratios between medium and high. In general, the amounts of phosphorus and potassium present in the soils of irrigation systems classified in the categories of high and very high, which could generally antagonize other essential elements cultivated plants. It is, therefore, to establish a better policy in the management of fertilizers to achieve the sustainability of this production system.

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How to Cite
John-Louis, C. M., Vantour-Causse, A., & Tamayo-Sierra, A. A. (2017). State of the Chemical Fertility of the Red Ferralitics Soils in the Farm Los Pinos. Ingeniería Agrícola, 7(3), 17–22. Retrieved from
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