Automated System to Evaluate Knowledge Management in Universities and Research Centers

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Idaris Gómez-Ravelo
Héctor Rafael de las Cuevas-Milán
Pedro Pascual Paneque-Rondón
Miguel Ángel Inguanzo-Marrero
Yomailis Herrera-Pérez


Knowledge emerges as a growing force that can mobilize and drive social development; therefore, it is necessary, based on scientific contributions about the regularities of this process and the elements that empower man as a transformer of his realities, himself, his culture and his society. Being able to use new processes, such as Knowledge Management, that enable the training of individuals, professionals, capable of responding to the demands of the contemporary world. Taking into account the above, this work proposes an automated system called Knowledge Management in Universities and Research Units (GCUI) for its acronym in Spanish, for the evaluation of knowledge management in university and scientific institutions. For this purpose, 40 indicators proposed by Inche and Álvarez in 2007 were used, distributed in the dimensions’ human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The automated system allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose, control, measure and compare intellectual capital, the most important in an organization.

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How to Cite
Gómez-Ravelo, I., de las Cuevas-Milán, H. R., Paneque-Rondón, P. P., Inguanzo-Marrero, M. Ángel, & Herrera-Pérez, Y. (2024). Automated System to Evaluate Knowledge Management in Universities and Research Centers. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(3), Retrieved from


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