Methods and knowledge of Precision Agriculture as an Agricultural administrative strategy

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Carlos Fresneda-Quintana
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Alexander Laffita-Leyva
Odalys Zamora-Díaz
Odalys Fresneda-Zamora


Precision agriculture is the use and application of new technologies in big and small surface units, taking into account the diversity of the soil, the environmental environment and the needs of the plants in order to manage and optimize the application of inputs (seeds, fertilizers, phytosanitary products, irrigation...) to obtain profitable, quality and environmentally friendly production. About 20 years ago or so, applications of the GPS system (Global Positioning System) were achieved in agriculture to obtain the position using coordinates and the production obtained at each of those points. With the preparation of this data, the first yield maps were represented, and the use of these new systems began to be called "Precision Agriculture." In recent years, with technological advances in computing and new communication networks, very important advances have been obtained, being able to control positioning with errors of less than 1 meter, through DGPS and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). This technology in Cuba is in a completely experimental phase, but it is a fact that performance maps are being obtained and this information can be used by equipment that can be mounted on tractors.

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How to Cite
Fresneda-Quintana, C., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., Laffita-Leyva, A., Zamora-Díaz, O., & Fresneda-Zamora, O. (2024). Methods and knowledge of Precision Agriculture as an Agricultural administrative strategy. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(3), Retrieved from
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