Effect of planting time on onion production in Sandino, Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Yosbel López-Quintana
Yoerlandy Santana-Baños
Pedro Luis Paz-Fernández
Iván Castro-Lisazo
Mariol Morejón-García


The planting season is a decisive factor in the success of agricultural production, with a marked effect on the cultivation of onions (Allium cepa L.). In this research, the optimal planting date for onion growth and development was determined. The experiment was carried out in an agroecosystem in the municipality of Sandino, Pinar del Río, Cuba. The established cultivars were 'Anakin' and Yellow Granex F1'. Planting was carried out in furrows during the second half of November and December. Evaluations were made at 60 days post-transplant and at harvest time. In the first, the variables plant height, number of active leaves, diameter and length of the false stem, diameter of the bulb and total fresh mass were characterized. During the harvest, the fresh mass and the equatorial and polar diameters of the bulbs were determined. Crop yield were also estimated. The results showed that both onion cultivars reached an agricultural yield higher than 18 t·ha-1 on the planted dates evaluated, the fresh mass of the bulbs has a positive correlation with all the variables studied and the equatorial diameter of these determine more than 80 % of their total fresh mass. The time of establishment of the crop had a determining effect on the growth and development of the cultivars. This suggests possible modifications in the date of onion planting in the soil and climatic conditions studied.

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How to Cite
López-Quintana, Y., Santana-Baños, Y., Paz-Fernández, P. L., Castro-Lisazo, I., & Morejón-García, M. (2024). Effect of planting time on onion production in Sandino, Pinar del Río, Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(2), https://cu-id.com/2284/v14n2e08. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1859
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