Results and impacts of the implementation and operation of the Territorial Planning service in sugarcane agriculture

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Yudith Viñas-Quintero
Elier Pérez-Herrera
Martin R. Hernández-Macías
Lorenzo González-Dyer
Ilia Lugo-Ruiz
Alfredo L. Rivera-Lafferte
Yuniesky Torres-Cruz
Yaniel Fuentes-Acosta
Alegna Rodríguez-Fajardo
Gerardo Cervera-Duverger


Territorial Planning is a scientific discipline, aimed at achieving the physical organization of the space. The objective of the work was to present the main results of the implementation and operation of this service in sugarcane agriculture, which allows greater reliability in the control of the land and its use, support for decision making in planting programs, varieties, calculation of fertilizers, herbicides, production estimates, blocking and identification of limiting factors. Its implementation and operation defined the bases for updating the Specialized Cadastre in the sugarcane area of ​​the country. It contributed to the performing of the program to bring the areas closer to the plant, allowing us to have an agricultural planning strategy that favors the correct use of the land, as well as the determination of vulnerable areas in the sugar mill companies with a view to facing the effects of climatic change. It constituted the geospatial expression of the scientific-technical services offered by the Sugarcane Research Institute to the farmer. It made possible the blocking of the sugarcane areas and the compaction of the blocks. The service facilitates efficient decision-making to establish comprehensive technologies, with impact on increasing agricultural yields.

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How to Cite
Viñas-Quintero, Y., Pérez-Herrera, E., Hernández-Macías , M. R., González-Dyer, L., Lugo-Ruiz, I., Rivera-Lafferte , A. L., Torres-Cruz , Y., Fuentes-Acosta, Y., Rodríguez-Fajardo , A., & Cervera-Duverger, G. (2024). Results and impacts of the implementation and operation of the Territorial Planning service in sugarcane agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(2), Retrieved from
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