Behavior of energy indices in a factory of electric motors for agriculture motors for agriculture

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María Rosa Perellada-Gamio
Mercedes de la Caridad Albelo-Martínez


The present case study analyzes the relationship between the consumption of energy and the productions of the industrial sector for the agricultural sector, specifically those destined for AZCUBA. In this case, the manufacture of electric motors where the behavior of the currently established indicators is considered, taking into account the existing technology in the entity. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate that through an improvement in the energy management system, favorable impacts can be obtained both in the reduction of the physical consumption of energy and in the expenses associated with them. The importance of maintenance is considered in the course of work. The analyze methods are embodied in the Total and Efficient Energy Management Technology, a widely applicable work tool. The historical information on the consumption of the energy sources is used as a basis to establish the control of the energy involved in the production. In this case, emphasis is placed on the behavior of electric power, which is predominant in the energy structure of the entity.

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How to Cite
Perellada-Gamio, M. R., & Albelo-Martínez, M. de la C. (2024). Behavior of energy indices in a factory of electric motors for agriculture motors for agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 14(1), Retrieved from
Nota Técnica


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