Methodology for determining the energy cost in soil preparation work

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Yanara Rodríguez-López
Sheila Sosa-Cueto
Andy Jesús García-Gallardo


The objective of the work is to evaluate the behavior of the energy costs of agricultural aggregates that work in the Guayabal Farm from the month of January to September 2022, excluding the month of July for not presenting data. To achieve this objective, tests were carried out on the MTZ-82 tractor + 965 kg harrow and the Belarus 510 tractor + ADI-3 plow, obtaining a fuel consumption rate of 11.6 L/ha and 30 L/ha respectively. The value of sequestered energy in materials, manufacturing and transportation, fuel, lubricants and filters, repairs and maintenance, labor, expendable materials in agricultural technological processes in question was determined. The energy cost obtained by the aggregates presented values of 457.46 MJ/h for the case of the MTZ 82 tractor+965 kg harrow and 414.75 MJ/h for the case of the Belarus 510 tractor+ADI-3 plow respectively, the consumption of fuel constituted the greatest energy expenditure with values of 301.14 and 361.85 MJ/h. which represents 73 and 75% of the total sequestered energy. When working with the Belarus 510 tractor set + ADI-3 plow, the task with the highest energy demand is crossing (127.80 MJ/h), while when working with the MTZ 82 tractor set + 965 kg harrow, the task that demands the most energy is the fluffy (276.90 MJ/h).

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-López, Y., Sosa-Cueto, S., & García-Gallardo, A. J. (2023). Methodology for determining the energy cost in soil preparation work. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(3), Retrieved from
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