Hydrocontainers and their Influence in the Soil Hydrophysical Properties

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Enrique Cisneros Zayas
Gelsy Ardiles Martínez
Julián Herrera Puebla
Felicita González Robaina
Reinaldo Cun González
Magdalena Pedroso Pérez


The study was carried out in the soil physics laboratory of the Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (IAgric) with the purpose of knowing how the hydro physical properties of a compacted Red Ferralitic soil vary in the presence of different doses of super absorbent polymers. Soil from the IAgric Experimental Station and water from the well located in that station were used. Doses of 20, 30 and 40 g of polymer per kilogram of soil were tested for the tests which were compared with a control without polymers. The tests performed were: obtaining the tension-humidity curve by the sandbox method, determination of humidity by the gravimetric method and texture by the Boyucos method. In all samples, the water storage capacity of the soil was evaluated, the behavior of the tension-humidity curve and the texture of the soil once the polymer was applied were evaluated. The results obtained show that the water retention capacity of the soil increased with the increase in the doses of hydrogel applied with respect to the soil without this polymer; increasing retention capacity up to 96,6% with the highest polymer dose. The soil moisture test was effective since for each gram of polymer added, 0,013g of water was obtained in the soil. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the application of the polymer is effective in influencing the increase in the water storage capacity in the soil.

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How to Cite
Cisneros Zayas, E., Ardiles Martínez, G., Herrera Puebla, J., González Robaina, F., Cun González, R., & Pedroso Pérez, M. (2023). Hydrocontainers and their Influence in the Soil Hydrophysical Properties. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(3), https://cu-id.com/2284/v13n3e02. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1728
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