The contribution of the ECOVALOR National Project to the sustainable use of biodiversity in Cuba

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Mariela Gutiérrez-Núñez
Dalia Salabarria-Fernández


In Cuba, in the last decade, there has been a lot of work on the subject of economic valuation, through different national and international projects, executed and in progress, but from somewhat different concepts and approaches. However, the Project "The economic and environmental benefits of Biological Diversity in Cuba, in support of decision-making in productive sectors and landscapes", has an intersectoral approach in which a strong integration of conservation strategies is promoted. the DB, with the economic and financial development strategies, of a national and sectoral nature, in order to achieve environmental and economic benefits, based on the economic valuation of the BSE, which is evidenced through the contributions of this project to the integration of the conservation and sustainable use of Biological Diversity and other natural resources, in decision-making related to the planning and economic development of productive terrestrial and marine landscapes.

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Gutiérrez-Núñez, M., & Salabarria-Fernández, D. (2023). The contribution of the ECOVALOR National Project to the sustainable use of biodiversity in Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(2). Retrieved from
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