Future Estimation of Sorghum Irrigation Norms in the Eastern Zone of Cuba

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Reinaldo Cun González
Martha Isabel Moinelo Lavastida
Carmen E. Duarte Díaz
Enrique Cisneros Zayas
Ángel Luis Ramos Tamayo


The work was developed with the objective of predicting the future water requirements of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), for the eastern region of the country with the use of the CROPWAT 8.0 program and based on climate variability for a period of 31 years. (2020-2050). For the study, the climatic data of the PRECIS model were taken using the RCPs 4.5 climate scenario, this is one of those recommended by the Cuban Institute of Meteorology to evaluate water management based on the different climatic regions. The irrigation standards dear were compared with those presented in Resolution 17/2020 of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources. The results obtained show that in this area the reference evapotranspiration was above rainfall between 67% and 81% respectively, which indicates the need for irrigation. The estimated total net irrigation norms for sorghum in the RCP 4.5 scenario according to climate variability in the coming years, show that there will be an increase in them between 211 mm and 310,8 mm, which is equivalent to 2110 m3 ha-1 and 3108 m3 ha-1 with respect to the current one. The greatest differences between the total net norm and the reduced one are found in Gibara, Holguín, this varies by 29,6 mm. The reduction of the net norm in the final phase of the crop, (harvest maturation), allows water savings with effects on yields that do not exceed 3%.

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How to Cite
Cun González , R., Moinelo Lavastida, M. I., Duarte Díaz, C. E., Cisneros Zayas, E., & Ramos Tamayo, Ángel L. (2023). Future Estimation of Sorghum Irrigation Norms in the Eastern Zone of Cuba. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1703
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