Reference Tool for Quality Control of Humic and Typical Leached Red Ferralitic Soils

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Mayra Arteaga-Barrueta
José Antonio Pino-Roque
Alejandro Carlos Evangelista


In the sustainable management of soils, monitoring the impact of its management plays a fundamental role, but the viability of its systematic application is affected by the high cost of the techniques used in conventional analysis. Radial chromatography can provide a feasible solution, as it is a simpler, more integrative and economical method. For this, it is necessary to have reference chromas and generalizing mathematical prediction models for Cuban soils in their different types, subtypes and uses, which would help to provide integrative information to predict in which direction to direct conventional quantitative evaluations. For this purpose, chromas of references and models that characterize leached Red Ferralitic soils (FRL) were obtained and analyzed, grouped by subtype and management history. The comprehensive interpretation of the models for each of the groups, allowed to make prediction generalizations of these soils before and after being improved. They provided integrated information on the fundamental role of the central chroma zone in its interrelation with sensitive indicators of soil quality (pH, dv, TOC, C / N) and the management deployed. They suggested that the mineral zone acquires greater significance for the content of nutrients (P, Na, K, Mg, Ca) and their availability. They reflected in a very specific way the state of the soils before and after they were improved with vermicompost. They indicated that the application of radial chromatography can channel and make possible future work in conventional monitoring protocols for soils at different productive levels.

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How to Cite
Arteaga-Barrueta, M., Pino-Roque, J. A., & Carlos Evangelista, A. (2023). Reference Tool for Quality Control of Humic and Typical Leached Red Ferralitic Soils. Ingeniería Agrícola, 13(1). Retrieved from
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