State of the art of biopreparations by anaerobic digestion as biofertilizers and biostimulants

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Iván Luis Sánchez-Llevat
Lianna Fuerte-Góngora
Reinaldo Ravelo-Ortega
Oscar Ávila-García


The research was carried out at the Jesús Montané Oropesa University on the Isle of Youth, during the year 2021-2022. An exhaustive bibliographic search on biols and their use was carried out with the aim of preparing a monograph on biopreparations by anaerobic digestion, biols as organic products of easy elaboration, from local resources destined to the fertilization of crops. For the study, a documentary research was carried out: a systematic scientific procedure of investigation, collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of information or data on the subject of Biol as a biofertilizer, biostimulant and as a protector against pests and diseases in crops. Printed sources such as: books, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, monographs, theses and other documents were consulted; electronic sources such as: databases, online magazines and newspapers and web pages and audiovisual documents such as: illustrations, photographs. After the initial search, 945 studies were located, although 457 that were not relevant to the objective of this review were excluded. Of the rest, 46 articles were finally selected. The work shows the definition of biol, its functions, some protocols to make them. Biodigesters where it is manufactured, the stages of anaerobic fermentation and the types of these that exist. Microorganisms that carry out this process. The properties and quality of biopreparations obtained by anaerobic digestion. The most recommended doses, foliar applications, times of application and some crops where it has been used with their results.

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How to Cite
Sánchez-Llevat, I. L., Fuerte-Góngora, L., Ravelo-Ortega, R., & Ávila-García, O. (2022). State of the art of biopreparations by anaerobic digestion as biofertilizers and biostimulants. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(4). Retrieved from
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