Determination of Parameters for the Calibration of the DSSAT Model in the Corn Crop

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Deborah González-Viera
Osmel Rodríguez-González
René Florido-Bacallao
Ransés Vázquez-Montenegro
Miguel Ángel Socorro-Quesada


Experimental observations of growth and development variables of a crop constitute the basic information for the calibration of crop models. Considering the above, this work was developed at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences during the dry season 2016-2017, with the objective of determining the physiological and agronomic variables of a maize cultivar. A planting density of 47,619 plants ha-1 was used with a quasi-experimental design on a Leached Red Ferralitic Soil. From 15 days after emergence (DDE), destructive sampling was carried out. The Leaf Area Index (LAI), the total dry mass of the aerial part and the grain growth were determined. Phenological observations were made during the crop cycle. The data was adjusted to different mathematical functions with the statistical program Statgraphics Plus 5.0. Next, the Absolute Growth Rate (AGR) of the dry matter and the Grain Filling Rate (TLlG) were calculated. Agricultural yield in dry grain and its components as well as the Harvest Index (CI) were evaluated. In conclusion, the primary data of 16 variables were obtained for the calibration of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model.

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How to Cite
González-Viera, D., Rodríguez-González, O., Florido-Bacallao, R., Vázquez-Montenegro, R., & Socorro-Quesada, M. Ángel. (2022). Determination of Parameters for the Calibration of the DSSAT Model in the Corn Crop. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(4). Retrieved from
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