Behavior of the Agricultural Drought in Jimaguayu Municipality

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Ayamir M. Agramonte-Almanza
Yomaris Pérez Abraham
Raisa Fonseca Pérez
Yolanda R. Vidal Blanco
Alcibiades Urquía Lardue
Camilo Bonet Pérez
Dania Rodríguez Correa
Bárbara Mola Fines


The agricultural drought is one of the most complex natural disasters and the frequency of this climatological phenomenon it rebounds negatively in the agricultural production of any area, causing affectations that can be significant; the impact has a high social, economic, ecological and environmental cost. The present work has as objective to show the behavior of this hidrometeorological phenomenon in Jimaguayú municipality of Camagüey province during the period 2010 – 2020. For the execution of the study is carried out a characterization of the behavior of the agricultural drought in the municipality object of this study during the last years, starting from the analysis of the precipitations and their effect on the soil humidity, which was determined using the method the Budyko- Sellers, 1970. The results show a tendency to the reduction of the precipitations during the rainy station with an increment of the episodes of drought and in turn an increase of the variability of the precipitations that have been reflected in a level of soil humidity of alone 42 %.

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Agramonte-Almanza, A. M., Pérez Abraham, Y., Fonseca Pérez, R., Vidal Blanco, Y. R., Urquía Lardue, A., Bonet Pérez, C., Rodríguez Correa, D., & Mola Fines, B. (2022). Behavior of the Agricultural Drought in Jimaguayu Municipality. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(4). Retrieved from
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