Technical evaluation under operating conditions of the LORENTZ solar pump for water supply

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Enmanuel Avila González
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Bernardo Campos Cuní


The economic development of the country establishes among its priorities, the achievement of the efficient use of energy in the pumping of water, which constitutes one of the fundamental links for Agriculture. In recent years, various solar pumps have been introduced in Cuba in order to economically empower various companies. Its evaluation allows obtaining information for decision-making with a view to its possible introduction into the country for these purposes. This work was developed at the Experimental Station of the Agricultural Engineering Research Institute with the aim of determining the technical and operating characteristics of the photovoltaic system and the Lorentz PS2-150∙C-SJ5-8 Solar Pump. The methodology used consisted of measuring the electrical and hydraulic characteristics of the system at the time of its start-up, in addition to calculating the daily volume of water pumping. The results found showed that the average power obtained from the panels was 0,3 kW, the maximum pressure reached by the pump was 20 m.c.a. when the discharge was 1,52 m3/h and the maximum flow rate was 4,00 m3/h in 2 m.c.a. The daily volume of water in 7 hours of pumping was 28,02; 18,20 and 10,64 m3/day for heights of 2, 11 and 20 m.c.a. respectively. It was concluded that the behavior of the evaluated equipment is acceptable with respect to the characteristics provided by the manufacturer.

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How to Cite
Avila González, E., Herrera-Puebla, J., & Campos Cuní, B. (2022). Technical evaluation under operating conditions of the LORENTZ solar pump for water supply. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(3). Retrieved from
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