Impact of the Pregerminative Treatment of Black Bean Seeds with Extracts Derived from Recycled Vermicompost

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Mayra Arteaga Barrueta
Dayán Alejandro Mederos González
José Antonio Pino Roque
Saturnina Mesa Rebato
Ma. Margarita Díaz De Armas
Helen Veobides
Iván Castro Lizaso


From the production of vermicompost extracts of bovine manure tested as foliar biostimulants, a solid residue whose potential has not been exploited is obtained as a by-product that still continues with biological activity, which would lead to a more efficient production process with its recycling. These extracts could be managed to improve the quality of the seeds. Given these antecedents, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the pre-germination treatment of seeds with recycled vermicompost extracts, on the physical and physiological quality in black beans (Phaseus vulgari L). The biostimulant effect of dilutions of low concentrations of recycled residual extracts from the second and third extraction (E2 and E3) in direct application on the seeds was assessed. For the study of the pre-germination treatment of black bean seeds, the physical and physiological quality of the seeds was determined in the first growth stage (germination and first vegetative phase) of the crop. The results obtained showed under semi-controlled laboratory conditions that the physical and physiological quality of the treated seeds was positively modified and indicated the possibility of its use as a biostimulator of the pre-germination stage of seeds. The possibility of introducing E260, E240 and E330 into the production chain as promoters of the germination and growth process in the first vegetative stage as quality enhancers of black bean seeds is demonstrated, which may affect the sustainability of the productive process of the crop.

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How to Cite
Arteaga Barrueta, M., Mederos González, D. A., Pino Roque, J. A., Mesa Rebato, S., Díaz De Armas, M. M., Veobides, H., & Castro Lizaso, I. (2022). Impact of the Pregerminative Treatment of Black Bean Seeds with Extracts Derived from Recycled Vermicompost. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(3). Retrieved from
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