Conceptualization of a spatial data infrastructure. Case study IAgic´s Experimental Farm Unit Pulido

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Javier Arcia-Porrúa
Armando Sánchez


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are becoming a common tool in our world, proving their effectiveness in numerous resource management applications, support tools for decision-making and action plans in a variety of situations. The work carried out allowed to conceptualize the design of a platform on GIS. QGIS was used, which is a free and open source software system. The cadastral survey, within its conceptualization, was established from the digital model considering, in the structure of the spatial base, groups and within these the different layers, derived from the specific conceptual model. The Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (IAgric), has among its mission to promote the scientific and technological development of comprehensive Agricultural Engineering systems that enable the harmonious implementation of irrigation and drainage technologies, mechanization, among others that respond to different research projects and development of the institution, counting within its structure with the Experimental Station located at Pulido farm, which performs basic functions of research, extension, teaching and production. The objective of this work is the conceptualization of a spatial data infrastructure oriented to the management of a Basic Science and Technical Unit (UCTB) supported on a GIS platform

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How to Cite
Arcia-Porrúa, J., & Sánchez, A. (2022). Conceptualization of a spatial data infrastructure. Case study IAgic´s Experimental Farm Unit Pulido. Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(2). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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