Changes of Carbon Organic Stocks in Soils Planted with Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

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Maribel González-Hidalgo
Ledisliana Vazquez-Lopez
Pablo Pablos Reyes
George Martín-Gutiérrez
Emma Pineda-Ruiz


Soil organic carbon reserves are the result of the balance established between its inputs and outputs, governed, in addition to environmental factors, by the quantity and quality of crop residues. The research was carried out in four areas where sugarcane is grown experimentally under different edaphoclimatic conditions, aimed to determining the carbon balance, the minimum amount of crop residues to leave in the field without sustainability to produce being affect; as well as the carbon conversion rate, influenced by management, fundamentally, using the Henin and Dupuis unicompartmental model. The highest carbon gains were detected in Ferralitico Rojo soil of Matanzas (0,11±0,003 t/ha/ear) and the lowest in the Oscuro Plastico Gelysozo Negro of Holguín (0,05±0,001 t/ha/year), while the highest losses corresponded to the Pardo con Carbonatos Plastogenico from Santiago de Cuba (0,90 ± 0,016 t/ha/year) and the lowest to Oscuro Plastico Gleyzoso Negro from Holguín (0.53±0,006 t/ha/year). The presence of residues contributed to higher carbon inputs to the soil, compared to the burning of these in Holguín. Regarding the minimum amount of residues to leave in the fields, the highest values were detected in Ferralitico Rojo soils of Matanzas (9,31 ± 0,01 t/ha/year), followed by the Pardo con Carbonatos of Villa Clara; while the minors one were observed in the Oscuro Plastico Geysozo Negro soils from Holguín and Pardo con Carbonatos Plastogenico from Santiago de Cuba. Management strategies that help neutralize the soil carbon losses are recommended

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How to Cite
González-Hidalgo, M., Vazquez-Lopez, L., Pablos Reyes, P., Martín-Gutiérrez, G., & Pineda-Ruiz, E. (2022). Changes of Carbon Organic Stocks in Soils Planted with Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Ingeniería Agrícola, 12(2). Retrieved from
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