Technologies for the Efficient Use of the Water Resource in Cattle Farms

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Bárbara Mola Fines
Camilo Bonet Pérez
Dania Rodríguez Correa
Pedro Guerrero Posada
Gerónimo Avilés Martínez
Charissa Martínez Der


Water as a limited and renewable natural resource requires planning to guarantee its preservation in harmony with sustainable economic and social development. The shortages of water for its use in agriculture make necessary to introduce technologies that promote efficient use of water. This work aims to qualitatively evaluate in cattle farms of the municipality of Jimaguayú, which participate in the Environmental Bases for Local Food Security (BASAL) project, the process of adopting technologies that favor the efficient use of water resources and allow mitigating the effects of climate change. A survey of the technologies introduced was carried out, their level of adoption was evaluated through a qualitative evaluation among the farmers involved, assessing the obstacles to their generalization. In relation to the water supply to the animals, the results indicated that the producers recognize the importance of the use of windmills, however, there is no tradition regarding the use of rainwater. Regarding the irrigation of pastures and forages, it is not a practice to which attention has been paid in the municipality, despite this the producers recognize the importance of the use of irrigation systems to enhance the production of animal feed. It was concluded that the technologies introduced allow efficient use of water resources and that, although there are difficulties in their adoption, producers consider the economic and environmental benefits they represent to be important

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How to Cite
Mola Fines, B., Bonet Pérez, C., Rodríguez Correa, D., Guerrero Posada, P., Avilés Martínez, G., & Martínez Der, C. (2021). Technologies for the Efficient Use of the Water Resource in Cattle Farms. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(3). Retrieved from
Nota Técnica


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