Super Absorbent Polymers and their Influence on Water Productivity in Beans (Phaseolos Vulgaris L)

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Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Felicita González-Robaina
Reinaldo Cun-González
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Homero Matos-Cremé
Orlando Sarmiento-García


In order to know the effect of the soil´s application of super absorbent polymers in the water agronomic productivity´s of black beans sowing in a compacted Red Ferralitic soil, it was carried out an experiment in experimental station, in Alquízar, Artemisia province where it was compared the effect of the application or not application into the soil of the Hidrogel´s polymer before the crop sowing. The experimental design used was line source sprinkler laterals and the treatments consisted of growing the bean with the presence of wetting agent in the soil with a dose of 8g for lineal meter, equivalent to 48 kg for test area (0,23 ha) and a control without wetting agent. The results showed that, the application of super absorbents polymers, reduced the number of irrigation in three, as well as increase the irrigation interval in 7days compared with the non polymer treatment; this results permit to save 35,7% of water used during the crop cycle. Of with regard to the treatment bean without polymers. Although not significant differences in yield were showed between treatments, the 35.7 % of less water used by the polymer application´s it increased the agronomic water productivity 24% as compared with the non-polymer treatment. From the economic point of view, a better relationship benefit-cost was achieved when it was applied polymers with a value of 1,96; showing the effectiveness of its application.

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How to Cite
Cisneros-Zayas, E., González-Robaina, F., Cun-González, R., Herrera-Puebla, J., Matos-Cremé, H., & Sarmiento-García, O. (2021). Super Absorbent Polymers and their Influence on Water Productivity in Beans (Phaseolos Vulgaris L). Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(2). Retrieved from
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