Variation of Bulk Density for different water contents in Cuban soils

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Greco Cid-Lazo
Teresa López-Seijas
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Felicita González-Robaina


One of the factors that substantially modifies the value of the apparent density is the content of water present in the soil at the time of taking the sample for its determination, due to changes in the equivalent diameter of the pores. This measurement allows knowing the ease of penetration of the roots into the soil, the total porosity of the soil, estimating the mass of the topsoil and calculating the sheets of water for irrigation. The value of apparent density is a good index of the degree of compaction or reduction of the pore space, and therefore, of the soil aeration; proving to be a good indicator of soil quality. In the present work the transformations that the apparent density of the soil undergoes in the face of changes in the water content in the soil matrix are exposed, according to the quality of the predominant clay of some Cuban soils. The functional relationships found showed that the Soils of the Groupings: Ferralitic, Vertisuelo and Brown Sialitic, according to the current Classification in Cuba, undergo notable changes in Apparent Density in the event of humidity changes, not so in soils of the Sandy Group. The objective of this work was to provide a tool to alleviate the inconveniences of the modifications suffered by the Apparent Density with humidity, according to the quality of the clay present in its mineralogy. The results showed that of the studied soils, the clayey ones, showed modifications of the values of Apparent Density due to the increase of humidity, not so the sandy ones, which can avoid errors in the calculation of the irrigation sheets to be applied.

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How to Cite
Cid-Lazo, G., López-Seijas, T., Herrera-Puebla, J., & González-Robaina, F. (2021). Variation of Bulk Density for different water contents in Cuban soils. Ingeniería Agrícola, 11(2). Retrieved from
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