From Precise Agriculture to Precisión Agriculture

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Javier Arcia Porrúa


Precision Agriculture (PA) constitutes an alternative to achieve significant advances in food production, based on its two lines of development to date; agronomics and agricultural engineering. The points of view described correspond to the introduction of the PA in the main Agroindustrial Company of the Tucumán Province, the objective of this work being to describe, the conditions and steps followed by the Company, for the introduction of the PA concept, the which begins from the year 1994 with the use of techniques related to site-specific management, but it is from the year 2000 (with the arrival of technical means) that it allows “taking a first leap” in the incorporation of related PA technologies with automatic pilots and other tools, until today reaching the management of all of its agricultural areas with technical support linked to this form of agricultural management. The work exposes that to get to the PA, you must have gone through a precise agriculture, which creates the conditions either for knowledge or for technology, for the passage to superior forms of management, on the other hand it is shown that the PA does not consist only in measuring the variability existing in the field, but also in the adoption of administrative practices that are carried out based on that variability. Although the benefits of management through PA are difficult to measure, it has been possible to estimate, within the Company, the benefits that the implementation of this mode of agricultural management has brought.

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How to Cite
Arcia Porrúa, J. (2020). From Precise Agriculture to Precisión Agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(3). Retrieved from
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