Microbiological and stability study of vermicompost extract: Liplant (I)

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Mayra Arteaga B.
René Novo Sordo
José A. Pino R
Jesús Rodríguez Cabello
Aymara Pérez González


The effect bioestimulant Liplant of the vermicompost extract is proven in the different cultivations and like an alternative that contributes to the sostenibility from the agroecosystem when being used in way sitematic, but its stability is ignored after a time of storage under natural conditions, information of great importance for the elaboration of a technology of application of the extract in the most rational different cultivations and of a bigger positive impact. The present work had as objective of determining the stability of an obtained extract of vermicompost of bovine manure, through the count and the activity of groups of microorganisms beneficent present in him and in its capacity to sustain its working life after a year of storage. Under conditions you control and semicontrolled was carried out the quantification and identification of the microorganisms presents, with rehearsals of antagonism among the same ones and its breathing activity was evaluated during a year of storage of the product under natural conditions. In the valued period they were not significant variations in the composition physical-chemistry and biological of the product in the valued stage. These results suggest that the product could be considered as a microbial consortium, it being necessary to deepen this aspect, with the study of other biological properties of Liplant, which will allow to expand the range of potentialities offered by the extract to increase the efficiency of its use and of the waste obtained in the productive system of its elaboration.

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How to Cite
Arteaga B., M., Novo Sordo, R., Pino R, J. A., Rodríguez Cabello, J., & Pérez González, A. (2020). Microbiological and stability study of vermicompost extract: Liplant (I). Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1266
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