Irrigation quality study in central pivot machines

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Reinaldo Cun-González
Felicita González-Robaina
Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Zenén Placeres-Miranda
Andy Lago-Salazar
Abelardo Sánchez
Marta Ricardo-Calzadilla


The work was carried out in the Agricultural Enterprise of Güira, one of the P2 OP-15 Project intervention places, with the main objective of studied the quality of the irrigation in 7 central pivot machines by means of the indicators that they qualify of distribution irrigation along the machine that which influences in a correct application of the watering sheet. The used norm was the NC ISO 11545: 2012. The electric Conductivity and pH of the water used for the irrigation was determined, their classification was carried out by means of the Cuban norm NC 1048:2014. According to the obtained results the electric conductivity of the used water varied from 0.590 dS/m to 1.13 dS/m, for this soil type (Red Ferralític compacted) it is classified in category II, presenting slight or moderate restrictions for its use in this soil type for what is important to make an appropriate handling of the same one. The pH varied from 7.1 to 7.9, for what is in the permissible range for its use in the watering (4.8 at 8.3). The coefficient of uniformity of Hermann and Hein in the machines was in the range of 66.02% to 78.8% being classified these values of bad. It is important the improvement of these technical parameters placing the appropriate set of nozzle since in the machines the productions and the soil can be affected.

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How to Cite
Cun-González, R., González-Robaina, F., Cisneros-Zayas, E., Placeres-Miranda, Z., Lago-Salazar, A., Sánchez, A., & Ricardo-Calzadilla, M. (2020). Irrigation quality study in central pivot machines. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(3). Retrieved from
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