Determination of Evapotranspiration in Young Plantations of Cedrela Odorata L. under Irrigation

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Juan Carlos Pozo-Vázquez
Teresa López-Seijas
Isabel Mora-Morales
Manuel Reinaldo Rodríguez-García


Cedrela odorata. L. is an important species for wood production, accelerating the physiological growth of the species is an important element to manage this process and achieve better individuals in less time. This work was aimed as a general objective to evaluate the evapotranspiration behavior of young plantations of Cedrela odorata L. under irrigation in different conditions of crop association with respect to rainfed plantations. Three treatments involving established cedar plantations under different conditions were established in an experimental area in southern Havana, on compacted Red Ferralitic soil: T1- rainfed, T2- under drip irrigation and T3 interspersed with plantain under irrigation by drip; soil moisture dynamics and leaf water potential in selected plants were evaluated and climatic variables and the number and dose of irrigation applied were recorded; These elements made it possible to carry out the water balance to determine the evapotranspiration of the crop in each evaluated condition, using the mass balance. The annual evapotranspiration values of the crop were on average in 2500 mm for the cedar under irrigation and 952 mm in dry land. Crop coefficients of Kc = 1,7 are defined for cedar plantations under irrigation and for associated plantations under irrigation of Kc = 1,4. The treatment in association (T3) was the one with the highest height of the plants, with average values of 5.6 m in height, which reaffirms its effectiveness for the accelerated growth of these plantations.

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How to Cite
Pozo-Vázquez, J. C., López-Seijas, T., Mora-Morales, I., & Rodríguez-García, M. R. (2020). Determination of Evapotranspiration in Young Plantations of Cedrela Odorata L. under Irrigation. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(3). Retrieved from
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