Use of Satellite Systems Technology for Leveling Rice Fields

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Armando Sánchez Mendoza
Aymara García López
Víctor M. Tejeda Marrero
José Ma. Agüero
Reinol Concepción Okawa
José Alberto Vilalta Alonso
Sarilena Ramos Díaz


Within the framework of the Rice Development Program of Cuba, the introduction of techniques associated with Precision Agriculture that ensure greater efficiency in water use and crop management in these systems is of particular importance. This paper presents the preliminary results of the evaluation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems Technology (GNSS) equipment for surveying and leveling soils in rice. The selected area was in “Cubanacán” Agricultural Enterprise in Los Palacios, Pinar del Río province. The use of Topography and Design Kit GNSS Technology was evaluated along with the Laser Technology for surveying, and in addition to ground leveling, the Laser, GNSS technologies and mechanical smoothing without automatic controller were compared. The topographic survey tests showed that with GNSS Technology a productivity of 9 ha h-1 and an average fuel consumption index of 0,22 L ha-1 were obtained. In soil leveling tests, with GNSS the volume of soil to be moved was reduced by 70% using the variable slope technique. Preliminarily, it was found that the height of the water sheet was kept below 10 cm for GNSS; while in the Laser and Land Plane they increased up to 15 cm or more. The above evidenced the environmental benefits of GNSS Technology in water saving and soil conservation.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Mendoza, A., García López, A., Tejeda Marrero, V. M., Agüero, J. M., Concepción Okawa, R., Vilalta Alonso, J. A., & Ramos Díaz, S. (2020). Use of Satellite Systems Technology for Leveling Rice Fields. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(2). Retrieved from
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