Methodology for the Teaching-Learning Process of the Economics and Agricultural Administration Course

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Regla R. García Fernández
Jacqueline Romero Viamontes
Ivelisse Almanza Fundora


For agricultural engineers, the study of the costs of agricultural technologies, as well as the amount of production and profits, is of great significance, so that there is profitability and benefits for both producers and society. Taking into account the importance of this topic, a diagnosis was applied to the teaching-learning process of the Economics and Agricultural Administration course in the Agricultural Engineering degree at the University of Ciego de Ávila Maximo Gómez Baez which revealed that there is a need to develop the ability to economically value agricultural technological processes in engineering systems. Therefore, the objective of the research was to develop a methodology for the teaching-learning process of the subject Economics and Agricultural Administration in the Agricultural Engineering degree. This methodology allows the way forward in current pedagogical practice, giving the teacher the direction of the pedagogical process, by achieving greater effectiveness in the teaching-learning process. In this sense, the proposed methodology enables the training of an agricultural engineer prepared and trained to solve economic problems in any productive context, and its application showed that with the use of problematic teaching methods to integrate economic and professional contents, it helps to develop the ability to economically value agricultural technological processes in engineering systems.

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How to Cite
García Fernández, R. R., Romero Viamontes, J., & Almanza Fundora, I. (2020). Methodology for the Teaching-Learning Process of the Economics and Agricultural Administration Course. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(2). Retrieved from
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