Analysis of Energy Management in the Company Irrigation Elements for Agriculture

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María Rosa Perellada Gamio
Mercedes de la Caridad Albelo Martínez


This paper analyzes the necessary link that must exist between the behavior of energy management in the industries destined to produce elements for agricultural productions, in this case part of the irrigation systems for agriculture, important systems to guarantee favorable results. in the characteristic crops of each time of the year, whether short cycle or not. Fundamentally, the behavior of energy expenditure, mainly of the electrical system and the supporting energy systems that determine the conformation of the productions destined to the irrigation systems, are analyzed, proposals that can contribute to lower production costs in the productive entity and which can contribute to a decrease in the cost of obtaining the agricultural product.

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How to Cite
Perellada Gamio, M. R., & Albelo Martínez, M. de la C. (2020). Analysis of Energy Management in the Company Irrigation Elements for Agriculture. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(2). Retrieved from
Nota Técnica


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