Valuation of the energy potential of the agroindustrial residuals of tomato for their employment as biofuel

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Yarián Reyes Suárez
Mayra Arteaga Barrueta
Yanoy Morejón Mesa
Aniel Fuentes Sánchez


The present investigation was developed with the objective of valuing the energy potential of the available agroindustrial residuals of tomato in the Factory “19 de Abril” of Mayabeque province, for the biofuel production. It was carried out the characterization of the residual mixtures of tomato through physical-chemical and energy indicators to estimate the energy potential that would be contributed starting from their use in the bio-ethanol obtaining; in turn the necessary conditions were valued for the recycled of these residuals. Starting from the gathered information and the identification of the agroindustrial residuals generated in the factory, it was evidenced that the tomato residuals are those that bigger frequency and quantity present. The physical-chemical characterization of these residuals evidenced the necessity to use indirect roads of prosecution, as well as the formation of mixtures with other residuals obtained in this factory that it optimizes the prosecution conditions. As main result it was considered the energy potential of the mixture of the available agroindustrial residuals of tomato, being evidenced the possibility of bioethanol production, starting from the adaptation of the methods of prosecutions, conditions and alternative to the characteristics of the residual mixture and those of the means where it is developed in a viable and sustainable prosecution. It is recommended for future studies to identify the most efficient process and to improve the way and the conditions of storage of the residuals in the factory for their possible recycled.

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How to Cite
Reyes Suárez, Y., Arteaga Barrueta, M., Morejón Mesa, Y., & Fuentes Sánchez, A. (2020). Valuation of the energy potential of the agroindustrial residuals of tomato for their employment as biofuel. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(2). Retrieved from
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