Moisture Tension Curve and Hydraulic Conductivity Function in Brown Soils

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Maryla Romero Campos
Greco Cid Lazo
Felicita González Robaina
Teresa López Seijas


The objective of the present work is to model the hydric functioning of the soils from the hydraulic properties (moisture tension curve and hydraulic conductivity function) and determine the retention and movement of water in a grayish grayish Sialitic Brown soil, in Guáimaro, Camagüey Province, up to more than 60 cm depth, using van Genuchten's model. Moisture stress values determined in the laboratory from unaltered soil samples through the sandbox method and Richard's Pot, the values obtained were adjusted using the RECT software. The results showed that the analytical function confidently estimates the curves - moisture stress for the soil studied, when obtaining coefficients greater than 0,98. An average tension - humidity curve is proposed for this soil as an alternative to the non-existence of studies of static water in the soil in this region. The model of Mualen and Van Genuchten allowed to obtain from the Voltage - humidity curves, the hydraulic conductivity of no saturation for each of the 3 depths experienced of the soil profile studied.

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How to Cite
Romero Campos, M., Cid Lazo, G., González Robaina, F., & López Seijas, T. (2020). Moisture Tension Curve and Hydraulic Conductivity Function in Brown Soils. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(2). Retrieved from
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