Contribution to the Water Resource Protection in Guira de Melena Municipality

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Homero Matos Cremé
Enrique Cisneros Zayas
Julián Herrera Puebla
Felicita González Robaina
Carmen Duarte Díaz


The present work was developed in the Agricultural Enterprise Güira de Melena with the objective of evaluating the behavior of irrigation programming based on the new climatic conditions that allow a rational use of water with an adequate productive response. For the study, two productive forms were selected within the company located in different areas of the municipality, two in the South zone, two in the Center and three in the North zone that planted potatoes during the 2018-2019 campaign on central pivot machines. All machines were hydraulically evaluated to determine the operating status according to NC ISO 11545, the irrigation was executed using the "Irrigation schedule" tool designed for these purposes and finally the agronomic productivity of the water was determined. The results showed that the irrigation programming through the “Irrigation schedule” tool in the entities evaluated was effective by reducing the volumes of water consumed by 23% and increasing the agricultural yield by 23,2% with respect to the systems of irrigation where the criterion of intervals and fixed standards is assumed, also contributing to reduce the volumes of water demanded by the enterprise by 3,8%.

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How to Cite
Matos Cremé, H., Cisneros Zayas, E., Herrera Puebla, J., González Robaina, F., & Duarte Díaz, C. (2020). Contribution to the Water Resource Protection in Guira de Melena Municipality. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(2). Retrieved from
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