Integrated technology for protected crops at Mesa de Guanipa, Venezuela

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Jorge García
Irania Quevedo
Maritza Malave
Pablo M. Hernández
Lázara Rangel
Remigio Durán


A technology is proposed for the production of protected crops in areas of the Mesa de Guanipa, Anzoátegui, Venezuela, taking into account the characterization of the meteorological variables, physical-chemical and mechanical properties of the soils and the technological evaluation of the crop house. It is concluded that the greenhouses of the José Antonio Anzoátegui Territorial Polytechnic University is located in a flat area, with a structure of recyclable material from the oil industry, has a gable-shaped chapel shape, resistant, perpendicular to the direction of the wind, north-south orientation and dimensions of 12 by 50 m suitable for the conditions of the area. A top cover of white polyethylene surfaces is recommended to improve light reflection and its use, 50 mesh anti-insect meshes on its sides and the use of 30 or 35% shade mesh to reduce the incident solar radiation. It will have six seedbeds and seven alley of one and 0.86 m wide, respectively and 50 m long. The energy sources to be used in the cultivation work are manual, medium power tractors and motorcultores. Given the sandy nature of these soils, it will have localized irrigation for the best use of water and nutrients, from which the calculations of the hydraulic design and costs are made, focused on the type of soils, the crops of interest and the availability and irrigation water quality.

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How to Cite
García, J., Quevedo, I., Malave, M., Hernández, P. M., Rangel, L., & Durán, R. (2020). Integrated technology for protected crops at Mesa de Guanipa, Venezuela. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(1). Retrieved from
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