Simulation of dryers solar type cabinet in function of the solar collector and the extraction conduit

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Yoel Rodríguez Gago
Yanoy Morejón Mesa


The drying process of agricultural products is a main activity inside the postharvest of the same ones, being the solar drying one of the most extended practices for the small producers. This drying method is carried out for several models of dryers inside those that it’s the dryer solar type cabinet. For that the objective of the present investigation is to determine by means of the design and the simulation of a dryer solar type cabinet, using two variants of solar collector and three geometries of extraction conduit to determine the best combination. Taking into account the selected materials, dimensions and physical-mechanical characteristics. The design of the solar dryer is based on equations of transfer of heat that allows to simulate the behavior of the so much temperatures of the solids as of the fluid inside the dryer. With the use of the computer system SOLIDWORKS (version 2018), was carried out the design of the prototype and for means of the tool Flow Simulation, was carried out the analysis of the temperatures, under typical physical and meteorological conditions of the Mayabeque province, Cuba, located in the geographical coordinates 22°34 ', 23°12 ' of latitude North and the 82°28’, 81°40 ' of longitude West. Was possible determine that of the six study variants the number four obtained better results, achieving an increment average of the temperature in the drying chamber of 110C with regard to the ambient temperature (200C) used in the simulation in a homogeneous way, being inside the values recommended in the literature.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Gago, Y., & Morejón Mesa, Y. (2020). Simulation of dryers solar type cabinet in function of the solar collector and the extraction conduit. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(1). Retrieved from
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