Effect of super absorbent polymers in the water economy

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Enrique Cisneros Zayas
Reinaldo Cun González
Julián Herrera Puebla
Felicita González Robaina
Stefani Cun Rodríguez
Orlando Sarmiento García


The work was carried out in experimental station, in Alquízar, Artemisa province with the objective of evaluating the influence of super absorbent polymers in morphology development, yield and efficiency water use for irrigation in the corn cultivation (Zea Mays L), sown in Ferralitic Red compact soils. The experimental design used was line source sprinkler laterals and the treatments consisted of growing the corn with the presence of wetting agent in the soil with a dose of 10 g for lineal meter, equivalent to 30 kg for the test area (0,23 ha) and a witness without wetting agent. The results obtained revealed that, the polymer use increment significantly the height of the plant, the leaf number and the yields components evaluated (cob weigh, number of grains by ears, fresh grains weight and 100 grains weight) yield all that which led to a significant increment of the yield of the treatment with polymers that I overcome the witness in 14%. In treatment 1 without polymers, to maintain the soil moisture level had to apply four irrigation more and the volume of water consumed was superior in 984,0 m3 ha -1. The water agronomic productivity with wetting agent was 2,98 kg m -3 and without polymers 1,77 kg m -3. From the economic point of view a better relationship benefit-cost is achieved was to apply polymers with a value of 3,89; evidencing its possible application under production conditions.

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How to Cite
Cisneros Zayas, E., Cun González, R., Herrera Puebla, J., González Robaina, F., Cun Rodríguez, S., & Sarmiento García, O. (2020). Effect of super absorbent polymers in the water economy. Ingeniería Agrícola, 10(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1215
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